David Emily

David Emily was one of eight brothers, all of who served in the United States Army. David’s service was at the end of the Korean War. His older brother Frank Emily served at the beginning of the Korean War, and as Frank left Korea, David arrived, putting both brothers in the same location at the same time. What are the odds?  David served from 1954 to 1958.


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August 06, 2022 08:11 pm
Emily Ezell
I imagine two brothers were never so glad to cross paths as they were. I can also imagine the hardship their mother must have gone through. We are thankful for their service.
September 30, 2021 03:01 pm
Mary Huffman
Thank you for sharing this story about the Emily brothers passing each other in Korea. Do you know if they were able to hang out for a bit on leave/R&R before David had to report for duty in Korea?

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Korean War - Key Events

January 17, 1950

North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung proposes the “liberation” of South Korea to Soviet officials. Weeks of telegram exchanges between Beijing, Moscow, and P’yŏngyang follow, and by early spring Kim has secured assurances of support for the invasion from Soviet premier Joseph Stalin and Chinese leader Mao Zedong.

These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica

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