፻ አለቃ Berhane Seraw

፻ አለቃ Berhane seraw was born in Gojam Debremarkos on June 12, 1922 E.C. E.C .He worked as kibur zebegna (Save guard).
In 1944E.c marched the second kagnew shaleka to the Korean War. After full fill his mishn back to his land and marched to Kongo peace keeper out the second time. He was one of the brave solider . He fought honesty to get peace b/n two Koreans war. He was a strong man and worked for 14 years with honesty. He passed away June 10 1979 after 57years of life journey.

Number of Awarded Medals (Nishan)
1. 1st standard Emperor Minilik II Gold Medals

2. Emperor Minilik II Bronze Medals
3. Korean war Medals from Government of Korean
4. U.N.O (United nation organization ) Korean war memorial Madelia
History told by Abel Solomon who‘s ፻ አለቃ Berhane sereaw grand son
Korea village Hose no :- 544
Woreda 04
Phone no :- 251 93-894-7795


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May 01, 2021 02:25 pm
Mary Huffman
Thank you so much for sharing Berhane Seraw's story with us! I love all the medals that he was awarded for his service. Do you have a picture of the medals so that you can add it to Seraw's profile? I know that a lot of people would love to see them. Thank you again for being so descriptive in your profile entry.

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Korean War - Key Events

June 25, 1950

A massive artillery barrage from the North signals the beginning of the Korean War. Roughly 100,000 North Korean troops pour across the 38th parallel, and, although South Korean forces are driven back, they retire in good order.

These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica

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