Richard Wood
Dick Wood proudly served his country during the Korean War. He was first stationed in Japan before going to Korea in 1952. He was glad to go and do his duty. He gave no thought to the danger. His biggest concern was home, and it was his hope that all would be well in his absence. Upon his arrival in Korea, he noticed the devastation and underdevelopment of the country. He was grateful to have a part in helping to build the nation of South Korea into what it is today. After the war, Mr. Wood became a teacher and raised a family. He has impacted the life of so many and it is an honor to know him! We appreciate his service and dedication to our country.
Korean War - Key Events
January 12, 1950
In a speech to the National Press Club, U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson outlines a U.S. Pacific defense posture that includes Japan and the Philippines but does not explicitly include Korea. In fact, he states that, “so far as the military security of other areas in the Pacific is concerned, it must be clear that no person can guarantee these areas against military attack.”
These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica
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