Paul Ewert

Paul Winfred Ewert was born in Pierre, South Dakota on January 16, 1924. When Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by Japan, Paul enlisted in the Air Force, then the U.S. Army Air Corp. He was an instructor for the LINK flight simulators and helped train pilots to fly planes for combat missions.
Even though Paul’s training was in engineering, the Korean War had begun, and the Air Force needed pilots. Paul flew over 30 combat missions over North Korea with the 19th Bomb Wing, 28th Bomb Squadron. During his 28 years in the military, Paul also worked as an airplane mechanic, and flight engineer on B-29’s, B-36’s, and B-26’s.


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August 31, 2022 10:27 pm
Emily Ezell
What an accomplishment to fly 30 combat missions! Having learned about "Mig" Alley, I have begun to understand the crucial role of the pilot in war. I am thankful for his service and dedication to our country.

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Korean War - Key Events

July 27, 1953

Mark W. Clark for the UN Command, Peng Dehuai for the Chinese, and Kim Il-Sung for North Korea conclude an armistice ending hostilities. A demilitarized zone is created that roughly follows the prewar border along the 38th parallel. South Korean Pres. Syngman Rhee announces his acceptance of the agreement, but no representative of South Korea ever signs the document.

These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica

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