Larry Kinard

Graduate of Texas A&M with BS Mechanical Eng and 2nd Lt Commission in US Army–Served 24 mos active duty 1950-1952. 15mos 5th Armored Div Ft Chaffee, Ark and 9 mos in Far East Command. Honorable Discharge October 1960 as 1st Lt after 8 years Reserve Duty.

Engineer and Executive with Texas Utilities Company in Dallas, Texas and retired in 1952. Consultant to a number of independent electric generating companies 18 years. Member of Korean War Veterans Association 22 years serving as National Tell American Chairman and finally as National KWVA President 2013-2016. Currently very active in KWVA Chapter 215 in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.


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Korean War - Key Events

March 14, 1951

Seoul changes hands for the fourth time when UN forces once again liberate the South Korean capital. The city has been devastated by fighting, and its population has been reduced to a fraction of its prewar size.

These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica

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