Fred Sutton Medley

Born in a rural community in Tennessee, Mr. Medley was born in 1927. He lived through the Great Depression. He was one of seven children. He joined the Army and was sent to Korea. He came home and soon married, raising a family. He didn’t speak much of his time in Korea. A few photographs are all that survived a later house fire. His children are proud of his service to his country.


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Korean War - Key Events

September 15, 1950

X Corps, a force led by U.S. Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond, stages an audacious amphibious landing at Inch’ŏn, some 150 miles behind enemy lines. The plan, conceived by UN commander Gen. Douglas MacArthur, is an unqualified success; 10 days later Seoul is liberated.

These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica

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