Frank LaForce
“Outstanding service in Korea during the period of September 3, 1960 to August 3, 1961, while assigned as an Armored Personnel Carrier Driver, Assistant Squad leader, and Squad leader in the 1st Platoon “B” Company, 23rd Transportation Battalion, 1st Calvary Division. Throughout this entire period of service, Specialist Fourth Class LaForce performed both his assigned duties and additional duties in an exceptional manner, displaying the highest standards of both military and professional competence. Through his tireless devotion to duty and dynamic leadership, he advanced from a vehicle driver to a Squad Leader in a period of less than six months. His determination has earned him the admiration of his superiors and subordinates alike. His soldierly appearance and high standards of combat and morals have served as an excellent example for the other men of the company to follow. Specialists Forth Class LaForce’s meritorious service and dedication to duty reflect great credit upon himself, the “First Team” and the military service.”
Richard H. Chapin
Lt. Colonel, TC
Korean War - Key Events
September 12, 1950
North Korean troops reach their farthest point of advance. Although thousands of UN troops have arrived to reinforce South Korea, months of fighting have reduced the area under their control to a 5,000-square-mile rectangle centered on the critical southeastern port of Pusan. By the time the North Korean invasion force reaches the “Pusan Perimeter,” its strength has been nearly cut in half and it is almost entirely lacking in armor.
These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica
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