Donald Simpson

Donald Albert Simpson was born in Detroit, Michigan, on June 5, 1929. He married his wife of 57 years, Betty, in 1952. Shortly after the wedding, Don joined the Air Corps and received an honorable discharge in 1955. Following his discharge, Don earned a Bachelor Degree from Wayne State University. After a successful career in sales and manufacturing, Don retired in 1992. Retirement led to the most rewarding and fulfilling phase of his life. Early in his retirement, Don volunteered with various Medina, Ohio community service agencies including Meals on Wheels, Medina’s Adult Literacy Program and SCORE. His passion for volunteerism led to the birth of the HANDS Foundation, and Don’s true legacy. What started as a simple newsletter intended to promote services for the senior citizens of Medina County has now expanded into multi-faceted foundation offering an array of programs supported by the HANDS foundation. As the founder, Don’s dedication earned him numerous accolades including his 1999 induction into the “Ohio Hall of Fame” and his 2008 induction into the “Wadsworth Hall of Fame”. In addition, Don received the “Leadership Award” from Toastmasters International and the “Gold Award” as the “Outstanding Senior Volunteer” from Medical Mutual. While relaxing, Don enjoyed golf, watercolor painting, reading, and traveling with Betty especially to visit family and friends. During the holiday season, Don loved to play the role of “Santa” and he shared many magical moments with his grandchildren and others throughout Medina County. Don passed away on April 3, 2010, leaving behind a loving family and legacy of service to his country and community.


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April 18, 2022 02:09 pm
Maranda Wilkinson
Hi Vickie, thanks for creating this wonderful profile for Donald. Do you know where in Korea he served?
September 30, 2021 11:45 am
Mary Huffman
I love Don's philanthropy work throughout his life. He is an inspiration to me and all my 5th grade students! Thank you for sharing in this profile.

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Korean War - Key Events

January 4, 1951

Chinese and North Korean forces recapture Seoul.

These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica

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