Daniel Barry Jr.

Daniel Barry Jr. enlisted in the Marines in August of 1953. After 16 weeks of basic training at both Parris Island and Camp Pendleton for advanced infantry training he was sent to Korea in February of 1954 until April of 1955 to defend the United Nations positions in Korea. He became part of the 1st Marine Division D-Company Engineering Corps. His main responsibilities included road repair and clearing mine fields along the DMZ. After his service ended, he went to Canisius College and then on to the University of Buffalo law school. He has served as a public defender for over 50 years in Buffalo City Court.


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Korean War - Key Events

June 27, 1950

The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 83, authorizing UN member states to provide military assistance to South Korea. The Soviets, who could have vetoed the resolution, are boycotting the proceedings because the Nationalist government on Taiwan still occupies China’s seat on the Security Council. Seoul falls the following day.

These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica

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