Bobby Whitaker

Bobby Gene Whitaker was born on July 15, 1933, in Kings Mountain, North Carolina, located in Cleveland County. He was the eldest son of Walter Plato Whitaker and Margaret Carpenter. According to records from the Department of Veteran Affairs, Whitaker enlisted in the Navy on November 14, 1951, and was discharged from the Navy on November 9, 1955.  Whitaker spoke often regarding the time he spent aboard the USS Los Angeles.

On September 12, 1957, Whitaker was married to Gladys Conner.  On August 29 the following year the couple welcomed their only child – a daughter, Tina.

Bobby Gene Whitaker passed away on April 3, 1982, at the age of 48. He was laid to rest at Mountain Rest Cemetery in Kings Mountain, North Carolina.

According to his widow, Gladys, Whitaker was a modest man who did not speak often about his experiences while in the navy.  She described him as being extremely humble throughout his life.  She also noted that he was proud to have served in the navy and even more proud when his younger brother, Jacky Dean Whitaker, joined the navy in 1958.

Bobby Whitaker’s military records were stolen from his widow’s home in 2016.


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August 31, 2022 10:37 pm
Emily Ezell
Thank you for sharing the story of Mr. Whitaker. I am thankful for his service to our country.

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Korean War - Key Events

June 27, 1950

The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 83, authorizing UN member states to provide military assistance to South Korea. The Soviets, who could have vetoed the resolution, are boycotting the proceedings because the Nationalist government on Taiwan still occupies China’s seat on the Security Council. Seoul falls the following day.

These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica

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