Harold Maples


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Rank and Basketball

Harold missed the deadline to apply for rank so that all of his peers went up in rank without him. They joked with him about how he didn’t have his “stripes” which you can see in the black and white photo. So he filled out the paperwork and went about his business. He was asked to go play basketball in Seoul for a good will trip over one weekend. When he came back, he found his whole “team” was in trouble for leaving without permission. It turned out to be a mix up but he was threatened with worse punishment because he outranked his team. He was so confused until he realized that they had jumped him two ranks over the weekend while he was gone. They all had a good laugh about it. The color photo shows his new “stripes”.


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Korean War - Key Events

July 27, 1953

Mark W. Clark for the UN Command, Peng Dehuai for the Chinese, and Kim Il-Sung for North Korea conclude an armistice ending hostilities. A demilitarized zone is created that roughly follows the prewar border along the 38th parallel. South Korean Pres. Syngman Rhee announces his acceptance of the agreement, but no representative of South Korea ever signs the document.

These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica

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