james winston
PVT. James M. Winston joined the Army at the age of 17. He was wounded in Korea on July 4, 1950. After watching his Commander, Sergeant, Lieutenant and some of his buddies killed. He was shot in the hip, some of his buddies drug him to safety and he made it back to the first-aid station. He ended up in a hospital in Japan then back to the USA. There is an article written on him in the SAGA. The magazine of true adventure. By Jim Thompson December 1950. He received the purple heart along with excellent marksmanship, the korean president award, the usa president citation, asiatic pacific metal, honor service and the good conduct award.
He returned home, married his sweetheart Helen. They raised nine children. He passed away on February 27 2005.
Korean War - Key Events
January 17, 1950
North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung proposes the “liberation” of South Korea to Soviet officials. Weeks of telegram exchanges between Beijing, Moscow, and P’yŏngyang follow, and by early spring Kim has secured assurances of support for the invasion from Soviet premier Joseph Stalin and Chinese leader Mao Zedong.
These events are taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica
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